Thursday, October 10, 2019


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You might have heard the story of a group of men who argued about whose profession was the best in the world.
An architect said that theirs was the best, for without them, the world wouldn’t see beautiful buildings and towering skyscrapers.
“There was the most important profession, for without them, the world would not see any progress at all,” a scientist said with disagreed.
A doctor joined in the discussion and argued that without doctors, the world would not discover medicine to face disease.
But the group fell silent when an old man spoke to them. With the stories, he reminded them of their younger days. The old man reminded the scientist about his first experiment; the architect about his childhood days in art class; and the doctor about his first time to dissecting a frog,
The man was their teacher.
Through he spoke little, the men understood that without him, the architects wouldn’t have learned how to design houses, the scientists wouldn’t have unlocked the mysteries of science, and the doctors wouldn’t have learned how to heal by making medicines.
Happy World Teachers’ Day to…
…the best educators who impart great knowledge to us. Without you, the world not have seen significant progress at all.
…all the selfless, funny, simple, and inspiring teachers out there. You have been instrumental in molding the morals and values of our society. Thank you for investing your life in the next generation.
Thank you for changing the next generation. Let change the campus and change the world.’-‘

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