Thursday, December 12, 2019


This quarter have learned more a lot.

Essence of Christmas

Love: The True Essence of Christmas

Every person has his own priorities, his own wants and needs. Some people may choose material things, while others may prefer tangible ones such as love, peace, prosperity and good health among others. No matter what these people wish for these holiday season, what matters most is that the desires of their hearts are granted as long as nobody is hurt, right?

This Christmas season, it is important for us to bear in our minds the reason why we are celebrating this yuletide season in the first place. In this month of December, it is a must for us to remember that our Lord came in this world in order to save us from our sins; He came to redeem us from the wickedness of this world.

We also have to recollect the fact that our Lord God is humble being born only in a manger. This is the message that is sent to us - we must learn how to humble ourselves, no matter how rich or financially wealthy we are because Christ himself symbolizes humility. Even though He is a son of God, He did not demanded for a special “birthing place” or become “man” in a wealthy family; instead, He was born in a poor family.

Anyway, the essence of celebrating Christmas season is not to have a house full of Christmas lights, having a tall and beautiful Christmas tree full of gifts underneath it and giving expensive gifts. Christmas basically means sharing what you have, not just the material things but also those that can only be felt like a warm, tight hug, a simple thank you, showing our appreciation to our loved ones and forgiveness among others.

Whichever of these are important to you this holiday season, just remember that it’s the thought that counts and that love is the most important thing in the world. When love governs our hearts and minds, everything will follow and we don’t need to wait for Christmas time to share our love to other people. 


Violence against women (VAW) and girls is not just a major public health problem but also a grave violation of human rights. It extremely manifests gender inequity, targeting women and girls because of their subordinate status in the society. The United Nations define VAW as “any act of gender-based violence that results in, or likely to result in, physical, sexual, or mental harm or suffering to women, including threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether occurring in public or private life.” Violence and the threats of violence can be experienced by every woman of any age, skin color, gender identity, ethnicity, religion, disabilities, economic, and social status.
Global estimates by the World Health Organization indicate that about 1 in 3 women (35%) worldwide have experienced either physical and/or sexual violence from intimate partner or non-partner in their lifetime. In the Philippines, the National Demographic Health Survey 2017 released by the Philippine Statistics Authority revealed that 1 in 4 Filipino women, aged 15-49, has experienced physical, emotional or sexual violence from their husband or partner.
Because VAW appears as one of the country’s pervasive social problems, various measures and mechanisms have been employed and implemented to address it. One of which is the 18-Day Campaign to End VAW, an advocacy campaign that is observed annually from November 25 to December 12 as mandated by Proclamation 1172 s. 2006.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Environment Awareness Month


Image result for environmental awarenessEnvironmental awareness means being aware of the natural environment and making choices that benefit the earth, rather than hurt it. Some of the ways to practice environmental awareness include: using safe and non-toxic building supplies, conserving energy and water, recycling, activism, and others.

The Environmental Protection and Awareness division promotes the protection of our natural environment, the health and well-being of our citizens, increasing awareness in environmental issues. It also facilitates the participation of Non-Governmental Organisations and civil society.

Nature is very important in our life. So, we should practice how to care and love our environment.

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Childrens Month

The Department of Education (DepEd) enjoined all private and public elementary and secondary schools to undertake activities in line with the celebration of the 2019 National Children’s Month (NCM) this November.
Education Undersecretary Alain Del Pascua, in DepEd Memorandum No. 147 series of 2019, expressed DepEd’s support to the celebration of the NCM this year which will be led by the Council for the Welfare of Children (CWC).
With the theme, “Karapatang Pambata: Patuloy na Pahalagahan at Gampanan tungo sa Magandang Kinabukasan,” this year’s celebration of the NCM is made extra special as it coincides with the 30th Anniversary of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN CRC).
Pascua noted that the celebration of this year’s NCM is pursuant to Republic Act No. 10661 entitled “An Act Declaring the Month of November of Every Year as the National Children’s Month” which also commemorates the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child by the United Nations General Assembly on November 20, 1989.
The NCM, Pascua noted, aims to “celebrate and recognize children as the most valuable assets of the nation” as well as to “emphasize the importance of their role within the Filipino family and Philippine society.” The law tasked the CWC, Department of Social and Welfare and Development (DSWD) and the National Youth Commission (NYC) to lead the annual celebration.
For its part, DepEd encouraged its offices and public and private schools to participate in major activities of the NCM.
This year’s celebration, Pascua noted, aims to “intensify public awareness on the rights of children and remind all sectors to be responsible in raising Filipino children to become well-rounded people, and to protect them at all costs, as enshrined in the UN CRC.”
Ultimately, the celebration aims to “empower children as rights-holders and duty-bearers to deliver commitment to promote, protect, and fulfill their rights as children.”
The said activities may include hoisting of streamer/banner of this year’s NCM celebration depicting its theme; recitation of the “Panatang Makabata” during the flag raising ceremonies on all Mondays of November; development, production and distribution of information, education and communication materials and other collaterals to include those developed by the CWC; in-class discussions on current issues such as bullying and conduct of child-friendly activities such as art contests and others

Finlipino Values Month Celebration

Monday, November 18, 2019

UN Month insight


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International days are occasions to educate the general public on issue of concern, to mobilize political will and resources to address global problems and to celebrate and reinforce achievements of humanity. The existence of international days predates the establishment of the United Nations, but the UN has embraced them as a powerful advocacy tool.
United Nations Day highlights the enduring ideals of the charter. which entered into force on this date, 74 years ago. Amid stormy global seas, the Charter remains our shared moral anchored.
24 of October has been celebrated as United Nations Day since 1948. In 1971, the United Nations General Assembly recommended that day be observed by Member States as a public holiday.
Connection with this, ISNHS-Social Studies Club implies different activities to feel the true essence of UN Month celebration. The one of highlight of their activities is the Mr. and Ms. United Nation that portray some country traditional cloth and traditions that connects to the United Nations Association.

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Sunday, October 13, 2019


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With this quarter, I learned a lot. I learned how to use the Notepad application. I learned what are the difference HTML Tags and what are uses of each one HTML Tags. 

Thursday, October 10, 2019


Image result for teachers day celebration 2019 philippines

You might have heard the story of a group of men who argued about whose profession was the best in the world.
An architect said that theirs was the best, for without them, the world wouldn’t see beautiful buildings and towering skyscrapers.
“There was the most important profession, for without them, the world would not see any progress at all,” a scientist said with disagreed.
A doctor joined in the discussion and argued that without doctors, the world would not discover medicine to face disease.
But the group fell silent when an old man spoke to them. With the stories, he reminded them of their younger days. The old man reminded the scientist about his first experiment; the architect about his childhood days in art class; and the doctor about his first time to dissecting a frog,
The man was their teacher.
Through he spoke little, the men understood that without him, the architects wouldn’t have learned how to design houses, the scientists wouldn’t have unlocked the mysteries of science, and the doctors wouldn’t have learned how to heal by making medicines.
Happy World Teachers’ Day to…
…the best educators who impart great knowledge to us. Without you, the world not have seen significant progress at all.
…all the selfless, funny, simple, and inspiring teachers out there. You have been instrumental in molding the morals and values of our society. Thank you for investing your life in the next generation.
Thank you for changing the next generation. Let change the campus and change the world.’-‘

ISNHS Intramural 2019

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   Ilocos Sur National High School Intramurals was conducted last September 12-14, 2019.  Before the players began to play, there was first a parade in the school. There were many participants, among these participants are the players of different sports and some of the school teachers.

Because of the Intramurals, we had no classes. But still we went to school because our attendance is needed. Therefore, some of us students made some of our room some kind of booth. Mostly of these booths are marriage by AP club, chem lock by TLE club, omegle booth by English club, carnival booth by Values club and love in rinth by Math club. You can go to these booths and pay depending on what booth you're into. Whether you like to prank your classmates and set him/her with his/her crush; or maybe you are just into messaging someone and many more.

During our intramurals the players in different sports event compete to other grade level. some of students watched the games to cheer up their classmate who played in that sport event, others decided to just stay to their room and do somethings that is fun.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Science Month Celebration


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"The health of the youth is the heart of the nation."

Metabolism is the process of maintaining the condition of living things. In nourishing the Filipino youth towards national well-being, it is important to metabolize this process. To maintain the awareness and condition of the youth - nourished and healthy, is relevant as they take part in nation building.
Nourishing one's body includes the awareness of the different things that can make or break it. A person can be healthy if he is mindful of what goes inside his body, what he keeps in it, and what he does to make it work well.
Nourishing the Filipino youth is like taking care of your body. The awareness of the Filipino youth in their mental, physical, social, and emotional health is vital to how they respond to their environment as citizens of their country.

The stand of the youth is vital towards national well-being. As the future leaders of the country, the participation and intelligent opinion of the Filipino youth is relevant in establishing and achieving a better society.

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Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Happy Schools Movement

sama na, tayo na,
Happy Schools Movement na!

Image result for happy school movement-vigan city

The Department of Education (DepEd)-Region 1 had launched the “Happy Schools Movement” (HSM) to boost the efficient implementation of the K to 12 basic education curriculum in the Ilocos provinces.

The movement seeks to promote every school in the region as a better and enjoyable place to study.

Dr. Malcolm Garma, DepEd Region 1 regional director, said the regional launch of the HSM was held at the Vigan Convention Center in this city on May 20, 2019.
It was anchored on the theme: “Paaralang Masayang Maglingkod, Tagumpay ng Bata’y Itaguyod.”

“The launching of the HSM platform is very timely as the opening of classes for school year 2019-2020 is set on June 3,” said Garma.

The HSM launching coincided with the regional launch of the 2019 Brigada Eskwela. 
Garma cited the HSM platform as a key of achieving the DepEd Region 1 vision of having a generation of responsive and cross-culture competent future builders.
Through this program, the learners’ full potential is given the greatest attention by creating a happier and more positive school culture.

The movement aims to inculcate in the minds of pupils that school is not just a place for learning but also a place for fun and enjoyment as they enjoy what they are doing.
He said the welfare of the learners is primarily and always the concern of the HSM guided with four pillars such as responsive school leadership, relevant classroom instruction, conducive and healthy learning environment, and good governance.
To attain the four pillars of HSM platform, he said the intensified collaborations of the internal and external stakeholders should be given importance.
The HSM has 15 advocacy themes in the delivery of education services to the 14 school’s divisions in the Ilocos region.

Some of these advocacy themes are: “Start Right, Grow Smart” (Kidergarten); “Our Roots, Our Strength” (Mother Tongue); “Talas Filipino: Umusbong sa Wika at Panitikan” (Filipino); “Reading is Power” (English); “Solve for Life” (Mathematics); “Sa ALS Matututo Ka, Tara Na!” (Alternative Learning System); “Safety is Everyone’s Responsibility” (Disaster Risk Reduction and Management); “The Joy of Exploration and Innovation” (Science); “Kwento Mo, Kwento Ko sa Matatag na Bansa Tutungo” (Araling Panlipunan); “Ako, Ikaw, Siya Tungo sa Makabuluhang Buhay” (Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao); “Pride is the Power of Hands” (Technology and Livelihood Education); “I am In” (Inclusive Education); “HOPE CA” (MAPEH); “ICARE” (Learning Resource Management and Development (LRMD); and “Paghubog sa Kabataan, Tungo sa Magandang Kinabukasan!” (Youth Formation).

“Happiness and school quality are inseparable as the happy schools’ framework serves as reference for measuring the quality of our education,” he said.

“Our credo for this movement is Region 1 is a region of happy schools with disciplined, value-laden, and motivated learning communities of holistically developed Filipinos with 21st Century skills,” Garma said. (JND/FGL, PIA-1)

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Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Solidarity Celebration Insight

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Another great time to visit Vigan is during their World Heritage Cities Solidarity Day celebration every September 8. Vigan celebrates this with other cities all over the world that have world heritage sites.

In Vigan, this is special day is actually commemorated with week long celebration aimed and strengthening the pride in the history and culture of Vigan. This aim is in keeping with the long-term goal of preserving the heritage structures that date back from the 18th and 19th century. Vigan's well preserved Spanish trading town environs has survived of the test of the time, including bombings during World War II which leveled the major cities of the Philippine.

The festival is rooted in being part of the Organization of World Heritage Cities (OWHC), an organization founded  to unite cities included in the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Cities.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Buwan ng Wika Insight


Image result for buwan ng wika theme 2019  Kung paano ang mga rekado ay nagdaragdag ng sarap gayundin ang Wikang Katutubo, nagbibigay ng karagdarang kulay patungo sa Bansang Filipino.

  Tuwing sasapit sa Buwan ng Agosto, hindi natin pinapalampas ang pagdiriwang ng Buwan ng Wika. Marahil, sa pamamagitan ng  okasyomg ito naaalala at napapanatili natin kong sino nga ba tayo at kung ano ba ang mga naiaambag ng simpleng selebrasyon sa ating buhay sa ating pagiging mamamayang Pilipino.

  Ngayong taong ito ang tema ng pagdiriwang ay, "Wikang Katutubo: Tungo sa Bansang Filipino." Samu't saring paligsahan o patimpalak ang itinatampok upang maging makabuluhan ang selebrasyon kagaya na lamang ng: Paggawa ng poster, Paggawa ng sanaysay, Pakikilahok sa tagisan ng talino, pakikilahok sa "spoken poetry," at pag-awit ng OPM upang maipahiwatig kung gaano nga ba kahalaga ang wika sa atin.

  Wika, apat na titik, iisang salita ngunit halos napakaraming nagliliparang talasalitaan na hindi matapos-tapos na hinggil sa Wika. Ang Wika ay kaakibat ng ating nakaraan, kasalukoyan, at maging sa hinaharap. Ika nga nila, Wika ang pinakamainam na tuloy ng pag-ibig, pagkakaisa at pagkakaunawan tungo sa kaunlaran. Kahit lumipasman ang pagkahabang-habang panahon o di kaya ay sumakabilang buhay man tayo. Wika ay mananatili sa ating buhay. Ito ay tila isang kaluluwa na inihahandugan at ipinapamana ng ating ninuno at maginng ang Maykapal.

 Ang Wikang ating kinagisnanay nararapat na pahalagahan kung tutuusin. Ito ay mahalagang sangkap sa kabuuan ng isang bansa. KUng walang magkakaparehong wika, walang patutunguhan at walang kaunlarang makakamit. Kaya't masasabi nating kapakipakinabang anng ating wika kung marunong tayo magmahal at magpahalaga sapagkat hindi natin matatawaran kahalagahan ng wika at ng ating dugong  bughaw.

Magkaiba man ang wika natin sa bawat pagbigkas at tinig nito. Ngunit, alam kong iisa lamang ang hangarin ng bawat isa sa atin.Ito ay maging kapaki-pakinapang na kasapi ng isang lipunan. Kaya't ang pagtanggap ng buong puso at dalisay na pagmamahal ay tila pagtanggap ng mismong pinagmulan at pagkakakilanlan tungi sa bansang Filipino.

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Sunday, August 11, 2019


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With this activity, I have learned that posting blog is not easy as I know, it takes time to finish it. Especially if you do not have much knowledge about a certain topic. I am having time with my post in grammatical and typographic errors in my work. With this connection, I'm pushing to read more articles about current issues. I gain new knowledge that I need in my article or draft.
Moving on, I will read more articles that needed in my drafts. And I do my best to make my articles excellence.               
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Monday, July 29, 2019



Resulta ng larawan para sa ndrm 2019 theme
Formerly called National Disaster Consciousness Month, the celebration was renamed to National Disaster Resilience Month (NDRM) through the Executive Order No. 29 issued by President Rodrigo Roa Duterte last June 28, 2017.

            Because, Philippines is continuing strike monstrous disaster like typhoon, earthquake, and others that we not expect to come. 

Therefore, we should concentrate more about these calamities to reactive into proactive.

            The observance highlights the shift from disaster awareness building to disaster resilience.

            This year’s National Disaster Resilience Month Celebration celebrates carries the theme: KAHANDAAN SA SAKUNA’T PELIGRO PARA SA TUNAY NA PAGBABAGO.”

This activity calling action for all Local Government Units (LGUs) to conduct disaster resilience campaigns to show the importance of disaster risk reduction and management. NDRM observed by NDRRMC Member Agencies and DRRM councils by undertaking various activities relative to areas of DRRM namely: Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Response and Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery.

Let us join mitigation activities about being ready in such disaster for the betterment. Always pray to protect us in coming hazard. We should always ready and prepare if there is hazard strike in our community.  

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Kaugnay na larawan

Every month of July, Nutrition Month is going on. This year 2019, Nutrition Month 2019 theme is “Kumaion nang Wasto at Maging Aktibo… Push Natin to.” Ilocos Sur National High School set their activity to fully feel the essence of this kind of annual event like cookfest, nutri-jingle, nutria-quiz and etc.

Proper nutrition is one of the most essential elements to being healthy and living long life. We deal with food every day and food is had been part of our life style. We should practice proper nutrition in our daily meal.

 Good nutrition habits and a balanced diet aren’t developing in one day, nor are they destroy in one unbalance meal… Eating nutritious and healthful food while maintaining our proper body weight will contribute to a better performance in our daily routine, in class discuss, and other work that involves our energy.

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            Every month of June, National Disaster Risk Reduction Management Council (NDRRMC) conducts a National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill in every part of school in our country. Participates by students and teachers both public and private schools.

            What is earthquake drill? Earthquake drill and exercise are an extremely important part of our preparedness plan because we learn how we respond to complication of an actual earthquake and help us to evaluate how well all parts of our emergency plan work together.

Resulta ng larawan para sa earthquake drill 2019 tarpaulin
            Remember, during an earthquake it is a good idea to have knowledge how alarms ourselves if there is an earthquake.

            All in all, we practice safeties ways to respond to an emergency. When we practice, there is not a real earthquake. We practice to stay safe.

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                                                                             June 13, 2019
Vigan City, Ilocos Sur 2700

President-Republic of the Philippine
Malacanang Palace, Manila

Dear Mr. President,

Greeting in peace!

I am Marc Justine B. Soriano, grade 10 student of Ilocos Sur National High School. I hope that you will read this letter I read.

The way that your role the Philippines and the things you’ve done for our country its make all of us look up at you. Every pro-duterte were amazed, satisfied, and congratulate you because all of your projects that you’ve promised under your administration goes well until now. Especially in war on drugs. You decrease Filipinos using illegal drugs. It gives us the feeling we are in good hands.

But, Mr. President, kindly hear me out. Based on my observation, many drugs pierce through in our country. I heard from broadcasting radios and watched in tv’s that there are many Filipinos use it.

Other Mr. President, I hope that you increase the salary of our teachers so that they have earn and they use for their needs.

I hope you will find a solution to this problem as soon as possible.

Thank you so much and God bless you!

Sincerely yours,

Grade 10 student- ISNHS


Resulta ng larawan para sa filipino freedom lettering

Resulta ng larawan para sa filipino freedom lettering Filipino were not treated right. They prohibited their rights. They abused, little, and slaved. They suffered a lots of pains from the hands of invaders. But, Filipinos never gave up. They fought and sacrifice their lives to commit our freedom from them.

    This 12th day of June, we celebrate the day of Filipinos Independence Day. It is a big or huge celebration of our country, Philippines. This is holiday to celebrates the success of our heroes. This is the time to recognize the Philippine heroes. Because before, Filipinos didn’t experience the essence of freedom, but this day we experiencing the true essence of freedom and most people abuse it.

      Today, this generation, Filipinos can make their own decisions even if this is wrong or right. Even if they hurt someone. Filipinos can fight their right today as being a human being. And today, Filipinos and administration never let do the same things what happened in the past.

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Kaugnay na larawan
I am Marc Justine Soriano; I am currently 15 turning 16 this coming August 20. I’m living with my family at Nagpanaoan, Santa, Ilocos Sur. I am special math class student of Ilocos Sur National High School. I am determining student because I want to help my parents someday. 
Even though, I have many struggles, I can overcome it by God's power  
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